How to Train a Rooster for Online Cockfighting

Cockfights in Indonesia

If roosters are noisy and wake you up early in the morning since you have arrived in an Asian country like Indonesia, then this is your best chance to see them fight to the death. Back then, because gambling happened in cockfights, it started to bring an economic crisis to many families. Men who have become addicted to this so-called “hobby” have wagered most of their month’s income – if not all – into the outcome of each Cockfight.

Cockfights in Indonesia

Because many people have engaged in cockfighting, it became illegal in 1981. At present, some cockfights are allowed but only on sacred holidays and events. In essence, all the roosters on those holy days are offered as sacrifices to the devil or hungry evil spirits. These spirits are particularly hungry for rooster blood because of their nasty temperaments.

What happens before the actual Cockfight?

Each Cockfight usually has temple ceremonies before the game commences. Village councils have to alert the police before anything else. Each game will only be allowed up three to five rounds. All other rounds beyond that are illegal. If you are lucky to come across a match at the temple, the Cockfight can last for three days.

Villages can charge for admission, the money that they earn from the Cockfight can be used for road repairs, festivals, and other useful things. For unrestricted cockfights, on the other hand, this usually takes place during the offering of great purification. On this important day, it is the local’s belief that blood that’s split over the impure earth will cleanse it. Hundreds and thousands of cockfights happen simultaneously on the same day and die everywhere in Bali.

How do Indonesians Care and Train their Roosters?

Roosters are like royalty. Roosters are given massages, always bathed, trained every day, and bounced on the ground. The rooster’s earlobes, combs, feathers, and wattles are trimmed so that there will be no need for a beak hold for the opponent chicken.

Owners usually prepare a diet that includes grains and a mixture of grilled or chopped meat, and jackfruit, which is known to thicken the rooster’s blood. Thick blood prevents severe bleeding once injured. The rooster’s sexual urges are also directed towards fighting, so all roosters have to lead a celibate life except when they need to breed for new ones.

If you are interested in joining a cockfight, you can visit qqsamsung for more information on how to join online.